Tuesday, August 16, 2011

More Weather

                                                              Sister Cook in her rain gear.

     I know the subject is getting old but the weather here is just nuts.  Hot one hour rain the next, you never know from moment to moment.  Sister Cook is always prepared Elder Cook gets caught a lot.  With the humidity you are always wet one way or another.  The work was very busy some days the buses were lined up around the parking lot.  We have to check the restrooms two or three times a day to keep up.  It's still very busy just not as intense.
A couple of buses

rain or shine people on tour

      Sister Cook and I started doing tours on Sunday afternoons.  That means we take visitors around to the different buildings and talk about what happen at that site.  Kirtland was headquarters for the church from 1830 to 1838 when the saints left for Missouri.  A lot went on here in those years.  One family, the Whitney's where here in Kirtland when the first missionaries came through.  They were looking for a church with authority to do God's will.  When the missionaries told them about God calling Joseph Smith to be a prophet in our day. About the coming forth of the Book of Mormon (an ancient record of Jesus Christ dealings with people here in the Americas) which Joseph translated from ancient plate's given him by an angel. The restoration of Priesthood keys today.  The Whitney's knew it was true and were baptized into the church.  When Joseph Smith first came to Kirtland, he and his wife Emma were invited to live in the Whitney home.  We take visitors through the Whitney store and home and tell what happen there.  There is also a Saw Mill and an Ashery which were reconstructed on the site.  The saw mill was built back in 1832 to provide lumber for the building of the Temple and work for the saints as many were in need of jobs.  The Ashery was also a place where saints could work and money could be made for the building of the Temple.  The tour can take up to two hours (there's a lot to talk about).  There are more site's in the area, the Morley Farm where Joseph and Emma lived for a time and the Johnson's farm another place they stayed.  at some point a home was builded for the Peophet and his wife near the Temple.  When the Temple was finished the saints moved on to Missouri on there way to Utah.            

The large tub in this picture was one of the first things I repaired when we got here.  It's at the Johnson Farm. 
     Thats it for now, Sister Cook and I are teaching Primary classes this Sunday we need to get our lessions togetter.  The subject is missionary work what else. 

                                                                                 Bye for now Elder and Sister Cook.

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